The Benjamin DeMann Blog

About Me


I was born and raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and my faith has been the cornerstone of my life from day one. After serving a mission, I've continued to live and share my beliefs, currently as a Sunday School teacher and president in my local ward. Everything I do—how I see the world, what I value, and the way I engage with the world around me—is deeply shaped by my faith. The Book of Mormon, in particular, holds a special place in my heart, not just for its spiritual insights but for its history, translation, and even the geographical discussions it sparks.

My interest in Freemasonry began during my mission when I stumbled upon its connections to the early history of the Church. That curiosity led me to join a lodge this year, and in July 2024, I was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. The ceremonial and esoteric aspects of Freemasonry have become a passion of mine, providing a unique space for reflection and understanding that complements my faith in unexpected ways.

Politically, I'm primarily focused on issues that promote and protect families. The Church's teachings on the family have profoundly influenced my views. I believe that a society's moral foundation and its commitment to families are key to its prosperity—something the Book of Mormon teaches plainly. So long as we are moving toward a society that honors these values, other political debates are, in my mind, secondary.

In my professional life, I've been developing software tools for smart contracts for over two years. While I don't claim to be a cryptocurrency expert, I'm deeply interested in the principles behind Web3 and decentralization. I believe in the idea of putting the internet back into the hands of the people, giving us more control over how we interact online.

This blog is the product of years of scribbling down thoughts and ideas, refining them, and thinking through them further. Eventually, I decided that it was time to polish those thoughts and share them. I don't write to provide final answers but to offer a snapshot of where I am on my journey. My hope is that readers will come along for the ride, engaging with the ideas and feeling empowered to explore and discover for themselves.

If there's one thing I want you to take away, it's that faith is worth holding onto. For those going through a faith crisis, I hope you'll find here not just reassurance, but a reminder that the journey of faith is one of learning and discovery. There's always more to see, more to know, and more to believe.

You might also find it helpful to understand this disclaimer and my use of AI while making this blog and my art.


The Benjamin DeMann Blog

Reach out on X: @b_demann